How to make a cheese board

I love to entertain - at least once a month I host a dinner party or casual game night at my apartment for a group of friends. When you host as much as I do, the number one thing you learn is that people almost always show up hungry so you should always have a few appetizers set out for guests to snack on as they arrive,

As someone who cares a lot about presentation, I like to set out appetizers that are both tasty and visually appealing, so one of my go-to appetizers is a cheese board.

Cheese boards can have a fancy, artsy vibe but they aren’t at all intimidating to assemble. A few things to think about when putting together your next cheese board: How many people are you hosting? Do your guests have any dietary restrictions? What do you want to accompany with your cheese?

Some of my favorite things to serve on a cheese board include:

  • Cheese, of course! I like to mix a soft, creamy cheese with something more hearty. Try pairing Saint Andre with Manchego

  • Crackers I love Trader Joe’s Pita Bite Crackers made with whole wheat and flax seeds

  • Fig Spread It gives your guests the ability to add a little sweetness onto those savory crackers

  • Fruit Berries and grapes are always a crowd pleaser, especially for your health nut friends, but they also add a great pop of color to the board

A few other easy accents for people to munch on that I regularly add include sweet & spicy pecans, olives, sliced carrots, dried fruits and sometimes I add rosemary to make the board a little more fancy!

What are some of your go-to appetizers when hosting friends?