Chicago Restaurant Week 2020


The time is here for Chicago Restaurant Week! The official dates are 1/24 - 2/9 and you should make reservations ASAP to reserve your spot. CRW is a great opportunity to checkout a restaurant you’ve never been to or go back to places you love. Prices are $24 for lunch and dinner is either $36 or $48.

Here are my favorite menus this year, make sure you take a look at how it compares to their regular menu since some places aren’t a good deal.

Restaurants I want to try

  • BOKA - I’m going here for the first time! Can’t wait to try it

  • Galit

  • GT Prime

  • TruLucks

Restaurants I love

  • Avec

  • Nico

  • Blackbird

  • Cabra

  • Monteverde

Where will you be dining for Chicago Restaurant Week?