Katie's Favorite Skincare Products for Sensitive Skin

I am sure a lot of you can relate, but I have extremely sensitive skin. Testing new products always comes with a review of my upcoming social calendar to make sure I can afford to lock myself away to let my skin heal from a bad reaction.

I wanted to share a list of the skincare products that work for me in hopes that it helps some of you find products that work on your skin type too. I am also a big believer in using clean, natural products (that includes household cleaning items), but I have also learned that clean and natural doesn’t always mean sensitive skin friendly. Below are a few things that I always check for on ingredient labels before buying a product. I also use the EWS (Environmental Working Group) app called Healthy Living to check products before I buy them.

Everyone reacts differently, but I have learned that my biggest triggers are the items listed below:

  • Artificial Fragrances - I would say that 9 times out of 10, if an artificial fragrance hits my skin I end up with a red, itchy rash. That’s not surprising when you learn that there are over 3,000 ingredients that can be behind the word “fragrance” or “parfum” on a label. The FDA gives companies a pass on disclosing whats behind fragrances, even if its ingredients that contain synthetic or allergy-provoking substances. And companies can still call their products “fragrance free” and “unscented” while still putting artificial fragrances in them and then just covering them with additional chemicals to mask the scent…. I’ll stop my rant now. If you have sensitive skin, I recommend you check the ingredient list and avoid products that contain “fragrance” or “parfum”

  • Essential Oils - I use a lot of products that are naturally scented with essential oils, but I do need to be careful with these. When the oil is highly concentrated in the product, I will breakout into a rash. The best way to validate this is to look at where on the ingredient label the oil is listed. If its towards the top, I steer clear. If its towards the bottom, its generally a low enough conentration that I don’t have any reaction.

  • Coconut Oil - Hello acne! Nothing clogs my pores faster than this stuff and its such a bummer that a lot of natural brands use this in their products these days. Another bummer for us sensitive skin gals, but there are plenty of good, natural products without it :)

Below are the products (linked) that I use pretty regularly! Sometimes my skin needs a change every once and awhile, so you will see that I have multiple cleansers, moisturizers, etc. below. Changing seasons, increased stress levels and even just diet changes may cause me to switch things up and give my skin what it needs!

Hope this was helpful to anyone that struggles with their skin the way that I do! If anyone has other great suggestions of clean, natural products that work with sensitive skin, please leave them in the comments below!

Xo, Katie