How To Know its Time for a Career Change

Many of us consider changing careers, but with all the uncertainty around it, sometimes it can be really hard to know if it's the right move. Depending on what stage you are in your career this can also make finding your true calling daunting!

I made a major career change a few years ago after almost a decade in Finance. I went from corporate-go-getter to solopreneur, and even had a stop in the middle in a job that was… let’s just say not for me. A career change can be risky, but it can also be incredibly rewarding, and usually there are signs that show you when you’re ready to make a move.  

I knew I was ready for a job change when I just felt depleted everyday. My energy was low, I struggled to see the impact I was having on the world around me and it was rare that I would get excited about new projects at work. I was definitely still learning, and I loved my team, but the other things held more weight and I knew it was time for something different.

Here are a few other signs that may show you it’s probably time for a career change

  • You don’t feel like you’re making an impact

  • You’re bored and don’t feel like you’re learning anymore

  • The money isn’t making up for the dissatisfaction

  • Your job is making you doubt yourself and your self esteem is taking a hit

  • You’re energy is low and you’re feeling burned out

  • You find yourself daydreaming about the perfect job… and it's not the one you have


Before you jump to career change, I also want to point out that we can always ask for what we want and need at work, but oftentimes we shy away from this. If you think some of the feelings above would go away by being offered more money, more time off, a change in schedule or responsibility, you owe it to yourself to ask! And seriously - schedule 30 minutes with me here and I would be more than happy to help you prepare for that type of conversation! But if you know it’s deeper than that, I have outlined some steps I recommend taking to set yourself up for success in making a career change.

Set yourself up for career change success

  • Make note of what you like about your job and what you don’t. Maybe you love collaborating with people, but the industry isn’t aligned to your values. These types of revelations will help you gain clarity on what to look for and what to avoid in your next role.

  • Know your values, but also do a deep assessment of where your values are being met at work and where there are gaps. This way you’ll make sure you don’t forget about something really meaningful to you in your current role when you jump to a new one.

  • Ask for help. Brainstorm options with friends and family, reach out to people with jobs that seem interesting to learn more about them, hire a career coach. There are a lot of resources out there to help you get clear on what you want before you make a big change. 

  • Consider freelancing. It’s a great way to test out a new job during your off hours and get a feel for whether or not you’d like working for yourself.

  • Write an action plan and set specific goals. My recommendation is to work backwards - use the steps above to get clear on what you want in your next job, set a timeline for when you want to that job, and then create shorter term goals that will get you there in that timeline. Another thing a coach can help you with!

Career changes are major decisions, but when you know you’re ready to make the leap, there are a lot of steps you can take to make sure your move is a successful one.

What other steps have you taken to set yourself up for a career change?